Nikolai Konaryov

Minister of Transport of the USSR

When Heydar Aliyev was appointed First Deputy Premier of the Soviet Union in 1982, Yuri Andropov appointed him the curator of railway transport. The very next day, Heydar Aliyev called me to introduce him to the situation and work of the railway transport of the Soviet Union. Just imagine, our first conversation lasted over four hours. The fact that he showed such interest in the field indicated his serious approach to the task he was assigned. Andropov believed him.

At that time, there were many people appointed by Leonid Brezhnev in the Council of Ministers. I realized Yuri Vladimirovich wanted to renew the apparatus by involving people whom he knew well and trusted. The appointment of Heydar Aliyev, who once headed the State Security Committee of Azerbaijan, was the first step in this direction. Yuri Andropov valued Heydar Aliyev very highly and appreciated the results of his work in the security agencies. I think that is why he was entrusted with such a high position in the government.

After our first conversation with Heydar Aliyev, we decided to meet every week, and this continued for several years of working together. He did not take a single decision without consulting me and without hearing my opinion on all important issues relating to railway transport. As a rule, he made the right decisions. This was confirmed by life itself.

For example, I remember the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). In 1985, CPSU Central Committee issued a decree on the opening of traffic along this route. Since Heydar Aliyev was in charge of transportation, he was very interested in the progress of construction. We were the customer, and the executor was the Ministry of Transport Construction, headed by Comrade Sosnov. After a while, Brezhnev’s nephew Vladimir Arkadyevich Brezhnev was appointed to the position. He was a young professional, he did well in his job. Heydar Aliyev supervised that ministry as well. The three of us often worked on this project. Construction was delayed, which was a cause for concern. In this case, Heydar Aliyev decided to go to BAM. I remember we went there together. We went somewhere on foot, somewhere by train, sometimes by plane, and then again on foot… We got acquainted with the mainline very seriously, decisions were made instantly. For example, during the construction of the highway, such an important decision as the construction of a 52-kilometer bypass road was made on the spot. Thanks to this, traffic on BAM opened up all the way, albeit a little late. As for personal relations, we did not have such relations, but we had professional and business relations. I did not know where Heydar Aliyev was living, I did not know his family. Only once I did see his life partner, a very kind and beautiful woman, accompanying him. I knew that he was a prominent person thanks to this woman. I liked their communication. He was very attentive to his wife. Of course, he also behaved with great dignity.

During the time we worked together from 1982 to 1987, we never once touched upon political issues. I communicated with him only as a statesman. All work was carried out only from the position of the state. Heydar Aliyev was always aware of the situation as a statesman and as a person supervising several spheres of the economy.           

I remember the days of the Chernobyl accident. With the help and support of Heydar Aliyev, the Ministry of Transport managed to successfully solve all the issues that needed to be settled.

It seemed to me that He was very pleased with his work in the public office, because he liked to work. It even seemed to me that he was satisfied with the fact that he was away from politics and engaged in concrete work. Heydar Aliyev was always with us and helped to solve the most difficult issues that no one could solve.

His constant positive attitude had a great impact on me personally. Despite the fact that there were numerous most complex issues waiting to be resolved, I always found him confident in the possibility of settlement of any issue. This faith inspired us, the ministers he supervised. This is engraved in my memory forever.

Heydar Aliyev was always neat, honest in everything, always polite, and never allowed rudeness. In a word, he handled all the tasks skillfully.