Vladimir Rushailo

Former Minister of Interior of the Russian Federation

We appreciate Heydar Aliyev’s efforts aimed at achieving stability in the Caucasus. This earned you deep respect in Russia. Those in Moscow remember very well how many great deeds you endeavored to strengthen the security of our common state when you were in high government positions of the Soviet Union.

The whole life of Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev was devoted to selfless service to the Motherland and to his people. His statesmanship and foresight enabled to create peace in the Caucasus and to believe war would never return to these fertile lands again.

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He will forever remain in our hearts as the greatest son of the Azerbaijani people and an outstanding President. His name is associated with stability in the republic and independent Azerbaijan’s dawn on the path of progress. Heydar Aliyev’s death is a loss for the entire Commonwealth of Independent States, for the people born and raised in our former common homeland- the Soviet Union. Being one of the leaders of the Soviet Union, he spent a lot of energy on improving the lives of the nations of the Union.