Viktor Nemushkov

Former employee of 9th Department of the USSR Ministry of State Security

During the years that we worked with him, he personally taught us a lot – by his example, we learned how to organize work, control and supervise employees. I also became an executive and organized many events related to the provision of security measures for our leaders both domestically and abroad. Heydar Aliyev was a responsible, disciplined, and very serious person, he always approached all matters with such meticulousness that it is very difficult to imagine such a person nowadays.

The thing is, he was interested in everything. This was not an ordinary interest, but bore the aim of making the right decision, so that the task that stood before him was solved and yielded significant results. While he was recovering from a heart attack, he never for a moment forgot that he had responsibilities- he had to prepare a document on health care. Therefore, during this period, while he was in the hospital, a document was prepared and submitted to the Central Committee. At that time I was the deputy head of his personal security department.