Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow

Former Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus'

Mr. President, we hope that Azerbaijan will really develop. Your wise statesmanship, undeniable authority, and ability to stabilize the situation in Azerbaijan is a great symbol of this. You have succeeded in giving equal rights to people living in this country, allowing religious people to practice their religion and beliefs working side by side and not opposing each other, you gave them these rights. For many decades, your work in the highest government positions has been characterized by high professionalism and sincere concern for people. During your tenure as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as a wise and responsible politician, you have earned respect and a high reputation among representatives of various nations and religions, citizens not only of Azerbaijan but also of many countries of the world. This is a confirmation of your high services and the efficiency of your work.

The Russian Orthodox Church appreciates your personal concern for the Orthodox citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The proof of this is the construction of the magnificent main cathedral church in Baku. The activities of Heydar Aliyev were distinguished by high professionalism and sincere concern for people.