Nikas Safronov

Russian painter, Professor of Russian Academy of Arts

No secret, until I got to know Heydar Aliyev closely, my attitude towards him was no different from the attitude I had towards other leaders of the former USSR. The reason for this was the media, which did not cover the situation objectively, did not objectively approach such a person as Heydar Aliyev. In the past, the media in Russia created a biased opinion about Azerbaijan, especially about Heydar Aliyev.

From the very first moment I met Heydar Aliyev, I realized that he was a stunning, noble, and very intelligent person. I saw that in front of me was a very charming, extremely intelligent, and wise man. During the conversation, I realized that he is a sincere and simple person, there is no feeling that he is higher than you. You understand that he is a huge person, but this does not make you smaller, and the conversation goes on in its usual course, in conditions of sincerity and kindness. I have deep sympathy for him and always look at him and wonder how God creates such individuals. But having visited Nakhchivan, the homeland of the President, and seeing its captivating nature and beauty, I realized what kind of power it is, I realized that Nakhchivan is a place where any leader and genius can gain strength and power.

This brilliant, strong, great politician is not only a prominent figure of his country but also a historical figure. I have met with many presidents of Western countries and CIS countries, but I have never met such a wise politician, none of them had such a strong influence on me. Heydar Aliyev makes a very deep impression on those who meet him at least once, and a person does not forget him throughout his life.

Heydar Aliyev is a gorgeous, bright, and unusual person. In my opinion, the anniversary of Heydar Aliyev should be celebrated at a high level in Baku, Nakhchivan, and Moscow. This man is history. I said that such a person is born once in 100 years, but then I realized that I was mistaken, such a person is born once in a thousand years. Such people are the jewels of the world, they should be protected and safeguarded, because they devote their entire existence and life to establishing peace and happiness, but they do not think about themselves and do not protect themselves.

It is a great honor for me to meet with Heydar Aliyev. Having completed his portrait, I created many others. I recently drew a portrait of George Bush Jr. I actually know many famous people in the world. But I have not reserved a more worthy and intimate place in my heart for any of them. I have my own president, and I deeply respect him, but Heydar Aliyev holds a special place in my heart. All conversations with him are memorable, and when you review these conversations, you understand how accurate, clear, laconic, and deep they are. I consider myself to be a lucky person… The strength of Heydar Aliyev as a strong political figure is recognized both by people who know his worth and are proud of him and by his enemies and ill-wishers.

In general, I am grateful to Azerbaijan for opening a new world for me, for new sublime emotions, giving me new creative inspiration. Heydar Aliyev means Azerbaijan. Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijan are inseparable.

I consider myself an Azerbaijani, I am your son, I consider Azerbaijan my country and I do not allow anyone to speak ill of my beloved Azerbaijan.

Heydar Aliyev is a genius, and the main quality that distinguishes him is an invincible will, the strength of which even his enemies admire.

I am very pleased to present to President Heydar Aliyev a portrait of his lifelong partner late Zarifa Aliyeva. From the features of Ms. Zarifa’s face, it can be seen that over the years of living together, her face gradually became more beautiful and nobler. First, she has very beautiful eyes. I described them as somewhat sad, and herself as an angel that cares for everyone. In general, very influential personalities devoted to their nation grew up in this family. The people perceive Heydar Aliyev not as a person in a high position, but as a person whom they love and are attached to with all their hearts.

If Mr. Heydar Aliyev taught at the Academy of Arts, I would be his student. He really understands art with such subtlety that I am amazed at the knowledge of Mr. President in the field of fine arts. I was always amazed and continue to be amazed by his knowledge of the intricacies of art.

I painted the portrait of Heydar Aliyev in one breath. I easily drew a portrait of this person, this prominent political figure, and I really enjoyed creating this work. Such a person is capable of good deeds, he is able to embody it in himself and give it to many people. Each meeting with Heydar Aliyev is a great honor for me. These meetings give me great inspiration.