Vladimir Shumeyko

Former Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

At the current historical moment, the sovereign, free Republic of Azerbaijan is lucky to be headed by such an experienced, wise, world-famous politician as Heydar Aliyev. I do not know anyone in Russia who has spoken negatively about him. It is thanks to him that events have taken this direction, towards resolving our problems through peaceful means. Today we are working with such an experienced leader who deserves trust and all respect.

After Heydar Aliyev came to the leadership of democratic Azerbaijan, favorable conditions for the Russian-Azerbaijani dialogue were created. If we do not take advantage of this historic opportunity, irreparable events may occur – our peoples and states will fall apart from each other. This cannot be allowed, because the strategic interests of both countries imply the need to help each other, while remaining free and sovereign states.