Boris Gryzlov

Former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

There are some people who seem destined to be ahead, to stand out from others as if it were written on their fate from the very beginning. Others try to emulate them, show them as an example, and they also bear the main burden of responsibility. They are the ones who influence the course of history.

Rightly, Heydar Aliyev is among such people. You have devoted your whole life to selfless service to the country. In my imagination, you are the embodiment of a patriot, an incomparable fighter for the high interests of the state.

The people of Azerbaijan always put high trust in you and elected you twice as the President of the Republic.

Your ability to timely resolve the most complex issues of public administration and your talent to be half a step ahead in the complex global political processes puts you on a par with the leading statesmen of our time. Your name is very well known not only in the Republic of Azerbaijan but also abroad. You have made an unprecedented contribution to the organization, development, and strengthening of interstate relations among the CIS countries.

It can be said without exaggeration that your uncompromising position in the fight against international organized crime, as well as your great endeavors in the field of coordinating the anti-terrorist and anti-criminal activities of law enforcement agencies within the Council of Ministers of Internal Affairs of the CIS member states, in general, contribute to strengthening stability throughout the Union, including in the Caucasus region.

We value the traditions of friendship and cooperation that have been linking Azerbaijan and Russia for many years, and we highly appreciate your efforts in strengthening and further developing multifaceted cooperation between the Azerbaijani Ministry of Interior Affairs and the Russian Ministry of Interior Affairs.

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With deep sorrow, I learned about the untimely death of Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev, a great friend of Russia, a prominent politician of the Soviet Union, the greatest son of the Republic of Azerbaijan. With his death, Russia lost its former ally, a firmly convinced and consistent supporter of the reinforcement and development of the strategic partnership between Russia and Azerbaijan. The name of Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev will be inscribed in golden letters in the founding history of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the strengthening of its statehood, and its influence in the international world.